Section: Software

Reference implementation for SFA Federation of experimental testbeds

Participants : Thierry Parmentelat [correspondant] , Julien Tribino.

We are codevelopping with Princeton University a reference implementation for the Testbed-Federation architecture known as SFA for Slice-based Federation Architecture. During 2011 we have focused on the maturation of the SFA codebase, with several objectives in mind, better interoperabity between the PlanetLab world and the EmuLab, a more generic shelter that other testbeds can easily leverage in order to come up with their own SFA-compliant wrapper and support for 'reservable' mode, which breaks the usual best-effort PlanetLab model. For more details about this contribution see section 

See also the web page http://planet-lab.eu

  • Version: myplc-5.0-rc26

  • Keywords: networking testbed virtual machines

  • License: Various Open Source Licences

  • Type of human computer interaction: Web-UI, XMLRPC-based API, Qt-based graphical client

  • OS/Middelware: Linux-Fedora

  • Required library or software: Fedora-14 for the infrastructure side; the software comes with a complete software suite for the testbed nodes

  • Programming languages: primarily python, C, ocaml

  • Documentation: most crucial module plcapi is self-documented using a local format & related tool. See e.g. https://www.planet-lab.eu/db/doc/PLCAPI.php

  • Codebase: http://git.onelab.eu